
- Transport Management System Applications:
- Precise Bus and subway cars positioning in stations, using Bluetooth beacons and RDHub receivers.
- Management of historical occupation data in public transport, using anonymous Bluetooth and/or WiFi tracking of customer mobile phones.
- Passenger location and guidance in train and bus stations.
- Water management applications:
- By installing RDHub equipments with different sensors and configurations.
- Measurement and management of all kind of water-related infrastructures.
- Remote control and map generations:
- By adding different sensors to RDHubs deployed in public spaces.
Industry and civil engineering

- Locating persons in emergency situations:
- People are identified by a bluetooth Beacon integrated in vests, helmets or business cards.
- It allows to ensure the total evacuation of an installation in case of emergency.
- Locating assets in warehouses
- Assigning a Bluetooth beacon in each device to be located.
- Información de localización y Guiado a visitantes:
- Using Bluetooth signals received by Smartphones for indoor positioning and guidance.
Health and hospitals

- Locating persons, beds and assets in hospitals.
- Adding a beacon to the identifier of each patient or to each of the beds and the necessary infrastructure in the hospital.
- Providing information to family members about the location of the patient, if he is in the room, in the operating room and / or a test is being performed.
- Assets localization and tracking in hospitals:
- Adding a beacon to each locatable asset and the necessary infrastructure in the hospital.
- It allows the location of different valuable devices inside the hospital, as well as the possible exit of these assets from the hospital.
- Early positioning of critical assets in case of emergency.
- Information of location and guiding of visitors.
- Using the smartphones of the visitors as beacons, and using their Bluetooth signal and the installed infrastructure for other uses such as location of assets and people.
- E-health solutions:
- Making use of the RDHub elements as a communication platform and incorporating various sensors directly or connected through WI / FI or bluetooth.
Events and Shopping Centers
- Information on the flow of visitors in thematic parks and shopping centers.
- Performing the follow-up of the users through the signals of bluetooth and WI / FI of their Smartphones.
- It allows to know the flows of people, and study the necessary changes to modify their behavior.
- Location of children in large facilities:
- Making use of beacons identifiers (reusable) for each child, and APPs that allows rapid localization.
- Information of location and guided of visitors.
- Using the smartphones of the visitors as beacons (and as a browser inside the facilities), and using their bluetooth or Wi / FI signal and the RDHubs infrastructure installed for other uses such as location of assets and people.
Waste management

- Container filling sensors.
- They can transmit the information through 3G / 4G, or through Bluetooth to equipment installed in the collection trucks.
- Los sensores pueden tener batería y sistema de recarga solar (opcional)
- Sensors can have battery and solar recharge system (optional)
- Calculation of optimal collection routes.
- Tools to help with task planning.