Who we are

20 December, 2016

RDNest is a start-up company with participation of the University of Valladolid, Spain, that started its business activities in January 2017.

Our Vision

  • To promote a shift in the technological paradigms of our society.
    • By developing vanguardist solutions.
    • By easing everyday life with the help of modern technology, without being perceived as an alien element.

“The pace of technology is increasing: Ten years nowadays represent a hundred years of the XVIII century. Our goal is to understand cutting-edge technologies, building sound solutions for markets that are yet to come, with an horizon of five to ten years. We want to incubate these solutions, aiming that many of them will fly by themselves, like the bird of our logo”. Juan A. March (CEO & Co-founder).

Our Mission

  • To deploy vanguardist technological solutions in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities & Smart Villages, indoor positioning and mobility, with the aim of leading the market in the solutions chosen.
  • To promote entrepreneurship among our stakeholders.

“To produce a M.Sc or Ph.D has an enormous cost for our society, a cost that frequently does not generate any return to our society, because the most talented professionals emigrate to other countries to develop their vocations. In RDNest we want to encourage an enviroment that allows any young professional with an idea to find an ecosystem to develop it with us, allowing the co-creation of solutions with all our stakeholders.” Diego R. Llanos (PhD, COO & Co-founder).

Our team

  • RDNest has its roots in a Computer Science research group at the University of Valladolid, Spain, with more than fifteen years of expertise.
  • Among its member we find PhD and M.Sc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
  • All our members belong to the top 20% students of their class.
  • RDNest team members have a sound experience in the following fields:
    • Software development and system integration
    • Hardware development, networks and embedded systems
    • Technological consulting
    • High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and software, including parallel programming and parallel programming models on heterogeneous environments.